The Village Treasure Chest is a weekly 50/50 draw held every Friday. To be eligible to play you must be 19 years of age.
Your registered number is yours for life unless retired upon request to HBCDRA. Each number can only be played ONCE PER WEEK and there is no limit to the amount of numbers you can play. Each number must be registered individually.
For a chance to win each week, you must put your number on a sticker that is provided, place on a toonie and put it in the Treasure Chest by noon on Friday.
If the number drawn is played the winning number will win. If the number is not played, then the prize amount will roll over to the following week. When a roll over occurs, the prize money from that week will be added to next week's prize. Rollovers are permitted to a maximum of 10 continuous weeks. On the 11th week numbers will be drawn until a winner is found.
Due to COVID19 restrictions the Treasure Chest draw is now held live on the Treasure Chest's Facebook page on Friday after the count is completed. The draw is usually completed between 1PM -1:30PM.
Our Village Treasure Chest Facebook Page has updated information to including weekly draw results and estimated prize winnings.